Research Study
Profile of Breast cancer, 10 years study in the dept. of Medical Oncology
Urinary excretion of acetyleamantadine by caner patients in Bangladesh
Breast cancer survival of National institute of cancer Research & Hospital
Risk factors for gastric carcinoma
Survival of lung cancer patient attending the department of Medical Oncology
Profile of female lung cancer
Diagnosis of thromboembolism and management in malignant patients
Factors causes the delay in diagnosis in breast cancer
Nutritional Intervention improve the outcome of lung cancer cachexia receiving chemotherapy sponsored by Ministry of Health and family welfare
Evaluation of Treated Cervical Cancer Attending the Department of Medical Oncology
Evaluation of Surgically Treated Patients Attending the Dept. of Medical Oncology
Scoring of Cancer Pain and Management According to WHO Guideline Sponsored by Ministry of Health
Profile of Lung cancer-one year report, Journal of Medicine, 2011,12;115-119
A Comparative study of Result of Treatment of Cancer cervix patients treated by two separate schedules of Radiotherapy,Bangladesh Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2010, 25(2):50-58.
Palliative Radiotherapy in Head and Neck cancer,JAFMC(Journal of Armed Force Medical College, Bangladesh) 2010,Vol 6(1):2-3.
Patients with Gall bladder cancer in the Department of Medical Oncology, NICR&H, Bangladesh Medical College Journal, July 2009,14(2):20-24.
Efficacy of ketokonazole in hormone refractory prostate cancer, Journal of Medicine, July 2009, 10(2): 52-55.
A Prospective analytical study of pain in 200 cancer patients, Bangladesh Medical College Journal, July 2009,14(1):22-25.
Treatment of A Breast Cancer With Pregnancy preserving her Breast and Baby, Journal of College of physicians & Surgeons, 2006,24(1):38-41.
A booklet ” Medical Oncology, National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital, Dhaka Bangladesh” Two years Reports, 2006&2007.
Academic Information
Participation in International and National Scientific Conferences and presentation
Reviewing articles of BCPS journal, BMRC journal